Sydney Funk Collective Blog

Wedding band with a real point of difference! We keep our buisness small enough to control the quality of personal service
Posted by on December 4, 2012

What band will you book for your wedding and why? What you want vs what you don’t want is the key thing you need to think about. Seems obvious but there are some very real ways to either wreck your big day or make it, and the band is not such a huge expense when you consider how important they really are. Like all things in life, you get what you pay for. Unfortunately bands have become like supermarkets these days! That’s right, they’ve been franchised. We don’t compete with this type of band as you can’t say yes to every client and promise a good service as reliable talent is finite and not super cheap.
Things that give away such franchised bands aren’t easy to spot. Most people want booking the band to be easy and cheap so that’s what we look for, right? Most people love being able to see a band giving a free entry concert just for you so you can pick the players, or more importantly, the singers front/people you want on the night.

The problem is these bands don’t really exist. Real bands do real gigs for real money with basically the same people in that band most nights of the week and you either like them or you don’t. We recognize that you want some choice so we’ve tried to give you a few options in SFC of singer/performer, but really it comes down to availability. The best players get paid the most and work as often as they like and usually not for free on a Tuesday night. Our stable is well stocked but with regular people we trust and when we tell you you can have someone as your singer, we do our very best to keep that promise, unlike the franchise who has an easy out clause in the fine print.
How can you pick the franchises and why are they bad? Firstly they do regular, free, often weekly promotions with a band that will be the best players they can get but are usually never the people you actually end up with. You will deal with someone at the beginning but then once you’ve paid and feel you got to pick the band line-up you wanted and really be involved, you will realize if you follow up that your musicians are no longer your first, second or third choice etc. We get clients coming to us complaining of that exact problem over and over again. Then they get stone walled and realize that like all franchises that deal in bulk numbers and buying power the $150 that you saved has resulted in stress and a lucky dip band of random musicians with usually inexperienced band leaders that you’ve never spoken to before…
What do we do and why are we special? We get our work through real gigs we’ve done and word of mouth from people who’ve seen us at an actual wedding and dealt with us personally, from the point of booking to the thank you emails and gigs that they come along to as a married couple.
See our testimonials, which are audited strictly by a third party.

SFC is service oriented – you can call and chat anytime. If you want songs learned we can do it. In fact we only do one free to public exhibit show each year for the last 6 years and we still get plenty of work as people know us from our long running work and reputation. They know the band is always good and they know who is running it! You’ll deal with me, Gary, from the get go, even if you want someone else fronting the band on the day. You can see what songs we will do or anything else you want to be in control of. We are not some computer service you check a box on. We keep our business small, not expensive and not some rubbish, cheap budget one size fits all service. If your only requirements are cheap and seemingly easy please keep googling away, they are out there…


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